Colusa County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) provides
program services in Colusa County to meet the needs of students, birth through
age 21 who qualify by federal or state standards as handicapped within Colusa
County. Services are provided in home, education-based centers, and school
View Coastal Buttes Academy/CCOE SELPA Plan for Re-Opening
Special Education is:
- Evaluation and identification of the student's special needs and
- Comprehensive testing in a multidisciplinary modality
- Specialized classroom consultation for general education teachers
- Special class instruction at the preschool, elementary, middle school,
high school and young adult (18-22 years) level
- Special services such as speech therapy, health service, adaptive P.E.
- Inservice training for general education staff and parents
- Early intervention services for infants ages 0 to 3 years who have a
solely-low-incident disability
- Pre-employment training through the Workability grant
- Transition services for high school age students moving to the adult
world of work
- Job placement in the community
- Specialized equipment for use in the classroom
- School health and nursing services
- Health screenings
- Assessment of communicable disease
- Specialized health care needs
- Health issues and safety on the school site
- Health education
Learn about the WorkAbility Program.
It works!
Learn about the Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
SELPA Information
We Are Hiring!
Click here to view a video detailing the wonderful ways we serve Colusa County.
Chuck Wayman
Deputy Superintendent of Student Services
[email protected]
499 Margurite Street, Suite A
Williams, CA 95987
PHONE (530) 473-1350 option 4
FAX (530) 473-1342
[email protected]